(This is probably going to be long. Consider yourself warned.)
Reunion activities started around 5pm Saturday night for Nida and I as we frantically searched for something to wear. I had brought over a bunch of outfits from my place (as I am not moved in yet) to have her help me pick something. We both said that we hadn't expected it to be that difficult and actually seriously considered going nekkid and I considered not going at all. I was surprised by the amount of pressure I felt to dress for people I hadn't seen in 10 years. We had planned on being at Nicole Cromer's at around 6ish that night to carpool and get there around 6:45ish or so (because you know it goes against party protocol to actually show up on time). So at around 6:30 I called Cromer to see if she could meet us at MY place instead. I had to go there to get a different shirt to match the skirt that I ended up borrowing from Nida. Needless to say, it was, I think, after 7:30 before we made it there which was impeccable timing in my opinion - right after the group picture was taken!
It was VERY surreal at first - it was really strange, I don't know how to explain it other than to say that it was surreal. It was sad to me that 10 years ago we could talk to each other fine without the aid of any substance but now, it seemed, that everyone had to have a little help in fluid form before talking to each other. I don't know why I was suprised to see that people were already drunk. The first group of people we saw were the smokers, standing outside, blocking everyone's path as they came in, blowing smoke in your face so that you would already smell like an ashtray and wouldn't have that to look forward to for later. This group included the girl I like to call "the Class Diva." And she is. She hasn't changed a bit in 10 years except maybe a few extra pounds.
We proceeded inside and paid our $60 and made our way to the bar first to get a little courage and then began talking to the various people that we wanted to talk to. Anne Ferraro - who still looks amazing and is so sweet; Monica Grey - who is beautiful and has managed to avoid ALL those layoffs at Sprint; Heather Boyd - still tiny after having multiple kids; Eric Johnson - the class president (the rumors I had heard were NOT true); Curtis Hunt - who looks different but not in a bad way and I found out was married by the guy that brought my church's founding pastor to Christ; Amy Carpenter - who is still so sweet and so cute and has the cutest, sweetest boyfriend ever; Renee Donaho - who changed dramatically and looks FANTASTIC! (you GO girl!); Josh McKenna and Rachel Walker who have managed to stay together all these years and are married now - and still adorable; Joanna Pickering - who had a very fabulous strapless dress on and some classy black and white shoes, and who has also had the unfortunate experience of living behind our choir teacher from sophomore year. We got a new choir teacher after she "broke down" so to speak.
The DJ was playing music from our era and it was fun to see everyone bust out all the old moves - and some fun, interesting new ones too that I had never seen before and probably won't again!
We began making our way to the restroom and that's when I saw them. The twins. The gorgeous, hot, sweet twins. David and Charles. They look exactly the same as they did then, EXACTLY, and still look exactly like each other too. One of them is still here in KC (David) and the other is in LA (Charles). I actually had run into David a couple years ago at the Velvet Dog and spent some talking to him then. I looked different two years ago. I was a size 6 at the time. He didn't remember running into me back then.
I looked for people I wanted to see but that didn't show up. John Shephard - one of the class clowns and also someone I went to church with, who I went out with after graduation and was really NOT a good kisser; Brandon Stewart - one of my crushes who I found out post-graduation that he had had a crush on me too, and also the creator of my nickname "Ghost" along with various other nicknames that I won't share; Nick Heim - another class clown; Casey McAdams - whose favorite phrase was "It's a farce! A FARCE, I say!"; Jill Ruf - who was a friend, fellow Latin classmate, and co-worker at Amarillo Grill junior year, then she started dating Brandon and we unfortunately grew apart; Jeremy Guthrie - my BIGGEST high school crush, but he was dating someone. We were practically best friends. We would sneak out together for lunch in his sports car and sometimes just skip fifth hour entirely. And he would carry my books and hold my hand and walk me to English class, planting a kiss on my cheek before I went in. I adored him. Then Spring Break senior year we were all partying at Nida's because her mom was out of town. He pulled up in the driveway. I asked where his girlfriend was and he said that she was with her sister or something. And then it happened. He leaned in and kissed me. On the lips. It was quick and sweet and then it was over. Just a quick peck and he pulled away and just looked at me. I leaned in for more and he said, "I can't do this," and walked away. Later that night we fell asleep on the coach and I woke up with his arms around me. Nothing ever happened again after that. I thought he was the best thing to walk the earth. I wish he had been there Saturday. He was, for certain, the one person I wanted to see the most.
I made my way back to the bar for my, I don't know, 3rd beer of the night and ran into Dean Hopkins and his adorable, sweet girlfriend Lynne. Dean said that he wants to be able to support her before they get married, that he just wants to be able to take care of her and their family. She smiled sweetly and said, "How many times do I have to tell you that doesn't matter to me honey? I love you regardless of the money you make. You're doing what you love (he's a musician) and we're together and that's what matters to me. I love you. Period. Not your money." The best part - I could tell they were sincere and happy and deeply in love. It was one of the sweetest things I have witnessed outside a movie. Actually, it was BETTER than a movie because it was real. I didn't know those things actually happened in real life. It filled my heart with hope.
And then I spied Jason Catlett from a few feet away. His shoulder-length blonde hair was gone and he had a baseball cap on and looked so cute. We hugged and started talking and he fidgeted with his sleeve and it was adorable. He's a post man in Gardner - or he lives in Gardner and works in Paola actually. He's quiet and reserved and kind of shy but still a lot of fun. Not too quiet to be creepy though, just quiet enough to be endearing and charming. We spent the rest of our time at the Reunion talking and he would place his hand in the small of my back and lean in. It was nice, something I haven't been accustomed to for a while.
Then someone bought me a shot of Tequila. I don't remember who it was unfortunately. Was it Beezley maybe? Oh, I don't know. I always forget if you do the salt, then shot, then lime or the lime, then shot, then salt. After having it clarified that you do the salt first, we drank to the next 10 years.
It was getting late (11ish maybe?) and Nicole wanted to go and meet up with her boyfriend Sean. We had decided on the Grandfalloon and started spreading the word but it seemed everyone else was already going to Buzzard Beach - this whole in the wall place that kinda gives me the creeps. But it was within walking distance so we decided to join them. Westport is set up now so that all the streets are closed to traffic and you have to show your I.D. and pay $1 and wear a bracelet to actually even get in to Westport itself. The cops man these gates. We all got in without a hitch - even Nida who was using an expired license. We walked to "The Buzz" and Cromer and I passed. And Nida was not allowed. The bouncer refused to let her in on an expired license - even after the COPS had just let her in. Some debating ensued and then another bouncer (who really had no business butting in) walked by and said, "Why do you have to be such a beligerent bitch about it?" Let's just say in 14 years I have never seen Nida like that. EVER! She wasn't being beligerent at all. Until he said that. We called Catlett and told him the scoop and said we were heading to Kelly's instead. Everyone got in without any problems, Nida included. We didn't stay long before deciding to head across the street to McCoy's - "a single-minded establishment" as their slogan goes. On our way we spotted the three cops in the middle of the street. Cromer and Nida and I decided it would be a good idea to get our picture taken with them and we chatted for a while with them: Alex, "Boston", and some other cop. Then they had a call and had to go but said to find them before we left. We went to McCoy's for a few minutes, got NO service and decided to go back to Kelly's when Cromer and Sean went home. This is where we stayed until closing.
We ran into Andy Fray (when I first met him that night I thought he said Andy Dufrane as in Andy Dufrane from The Shawshank Redemption in which Tim Robbins plays Andy Dufrane, a guy who is wrongly convicted of the murder of his wife and spends time in prison then is released after the truth is revealed years later. Great movie!) who was SMS Class of '97, who also apparently knew Nida but she had no recollection of him whatsoever. He even knew some details of her life which at first was kind of creepy and then she remembered. He was friends with her British friend Claire and her boyfriend Zach. So the four of us, Catlett, me, Nida and Andy hung out, drinking and catching up. I went to the bar to order another round and I met Tyson, this interesting cowboy-type guy from Dodge City who was obviously drunk and very desperate to go home with someone, and who was apparently there alone. He asked me, before even asking my name, if I had a boyfriend. When I said that I didn't, he of course was shocked and stunned and said he was amazed that no one was rocking my world every night. He then demanded that I introduce him to my friends. Then some girl came and said some very dirty things to him, things I heard but won't repeat, and that was that, he disappeared - for a while anyway. Apparently she was too much talk for him and not following through so he came back. Found another girl who was also too much talk and came back again - like what was I? The backup or something? Not that I was even remotely interested but I am still smart. I could read right through his actions. Eventually he went home alone. Over the course of the night I discovered that Catlett has a girlfriend. A girlfriend who is 20. As in years old. As in 8 years younger and not even old enough to drink. As in just two years out of high school. He himself didn't seem too happy about this arrangement. They had only been together a couple months and he didn't seem particularly attached to her.
Before we knew it, "Last Call" came and it was 3am and the place was shutting down for the night/morning/whatever. Catlett and I agreed that we should get together sometime soon - maybe in a group: Beezley, Geoff Machen, Nida, me, him, maybe some others... I said that I would call him soon. We hugged and he went to meet up with his crew. The fact that he left his friends at "the Buzz" to come and hang out with US said something to me. I was amazed that he would do that because, well... guys just don't do that - leave his friends (and everyone else - because everyone else at reunion still went to "the Buzz") to go hang out with some girls he hasn't seen in 10 years, when he has a girlfriend? It just doesn't happen.
We found Alex the cop again. He asked for Nida's number and basically said that he wants to take her out. He was hot. And I was jealous! I keep asking her to share the wealth but she is beautiful! Alex said that we should find "Boston" before we left. "Boston" is from Boston and because I never got his name, that's what I call him. He's been here 5 years in KC and loves it but is moving back, I guess! I told him I am planning on taking a trip to the Northeast sometime because I have never been. I told him it would of course be sometime in the Fall (not this year) when the leaves are changing and it's beautiful. He agreed that that would be the best time to go. He said that I should look him up. It didn't occur to me until later that I didn't get his name because I am sure he won't be listed under "Boston."
So... the verdict: I am really glad that I decided to go. I wasn't going to. A week ago I had made up my mind not to. And then I changed my mind. I thought, "You know, I probably won't go to another one after this so why not?" I am THRILLED that I did. PEOPLE ACTUALLY WEREN'T ASSHOLES (except that stupid bouncer)! People changed - even the "JoCo" thoroughbreds! And people didn't really make fools of themselves either. Of course, we weren't at "the Buzz" so I don't really know for a fact that no one made fools of themselves.
We got home around 4am and STILL got up for church the next morning! I didn't feel as bad as I thought I would either - even though I smelled like an ashtray probably which is always nice. They should bottle that. Really. Upon waking up I discovered that I have bruises on my feet from the shoes I was wearing. On the TOPS of my feet. In that place where wearing ANY shoe proves to painfully uncomfortable. Slippers? Nope. Flipflops? Ouch. Crocs? Owie. The price we pay for beauty, I suppose...
I don't have pictures unfortunately. I will have to get them from Nida. When I do I will post them. Including the pic of us with the cops.