01 June 2005

a "head" of time...

Now, I love a good rainstorm, even the thunder. But when it leads to mornings like the one I have had I would rather do without.

So I will tell you what my morning thus far has consisted of. First, I woke at around 6am to feel rain coming in through the open window in my room. I closed my window and went back to sleep. Fast forward to 7:15 - a very loud crash of thunder bolted me out of bed just after my alarm clock fell off the little ledge where it sits above my bed and hit me in the head. Fifteen minutes later my roommate was knocking on my door telling me that the power had gone out and it was now 7:30. I rolled over and went back to sleep - okay, rest, not sleep. Another 15 minutes later I heard my roommate out in the garage rummaging around. I went out and showed her how to unlatch the garage door from the automatic opener so she could open it manually and then showed her how to relatch it. (I was a home-owner for a year and had the power go out a couple times. Good information to know by the way.) I am a good roommate. She was very thankful and went on her way to her coaching job. I showered in the dark, got dressed in the dark and brushed my teeth in the dark. Luckily, I do match today. And made it to work early - very, very early. I am tired and cranky and want to crawl back in bed and listen to the rain tap at my window all day. ~*~YAWN~*~

Keeping with my committment to try and find the blessing in everything - because there is one - here goes: 1) the thunderstorm and rain itself is a blessing for without it there would be no trees to provide shade on hot days, no grass to cover the hills we roll down, no flowers to pick and display in large vases; 2) my alarm clock did not hit me on my temple where it could have knocked me out; 3) my roommate is a blessing and the fact that she thought to come and wake me up so that I would not sleep all day is a blessing; 4) I still got to shower even though it was dark, thank God for hot running water; 5) I have a job to get ready for; and 6) I know that somewhere up there, up beyond those gray dense clouds hangs the sun waiting to come and save us from darkness - much like the Son hung behind those clouds all those years ago waiting to save us from darkness. Let it rain! Let Him Reign!

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