09 September 2005

update to prayer requests...

At the request of a few of you I am updating my prayer request list from a few weeks ago.

1) My homework load is quite overwhelming - more than I bargained for actually. Pray that I keep my motivation up for the duration of the semester and that God would open my heart to teach me what I am here to learn in AND outside of the classroom.

2) That I would continue to build on the friendships I have made: to go deep and not just dwell on the surface where it's comfortable. To grow in Christ through relationships with other people.

3) The school is involved in a lawsuit right now. An organization called Freedom From Religion out of Wisconsin has a lawsuit against the government for giving us government funding. It goes back the whole separation of church and state thing. Pray for this one hard - this is HUGE!

4) Pray for my best friend Nida. She is a paramedic back in the Kansas City area and she has felt God's call to go to New Orleans or to Houston. She has been in touch with the Red Cross and has made some contacts. It looks like she will be leaving next week for either city.

5) My friend Amy is going through a life-change now too. Pray for her as she transitions out of her old job into a new one! I am so proud of you Amy!

6) This is always a hard one for me: Pray for funding. I am working some on campus to offset the cost of tuition, but not much. And because of the homework load and the different activities on campus and mission trips, etc I am not able to work off campus. Money is tight but God will provide!

7) Pray for my heart. I have noticed that when I get homesick or bored I sometimes withdraw from community a little bit. I am used to having a car and being able to go wherever I want, whenever I want. Last night I was VERY frustrated with this and was going stir-crazy since campus is only so big and there's nothing to do. One can only play so many card games and surf the net for so long before intense boredom sets in.

That's about all I can think of for now. Again, I appreciate everyones continued support in thought and prayer. I love you all! May you all continue to remain in grace and peace!


Bar L. said...

I'm praying for you and your friends. I tend to isolate too, I understand.

God Bless You!

so i go said...

praying for you and with you friend. thanks for the update on specifics.