31 May 2006

shameless plug for a friend...

My weekend in Anchorage was just an extension of what I talked about in my last post. More Sabbath. Rest for my soul. Renewal for my spirit. It was exactly what I needed when I needed it. The month ahead is going to be very busy at work so it was nice to get a vacation before going into it head-on. My days were very full in many ways. They were full of life. Full of love. Full of God. It had been a while since I'd had that level of intense fellowship. I now hope it carries me through the next 3-4 weeks. Blassi will be down this week for a few days to visit and Tom comes down in a couple weeks. Those visits will certainly help get me through. Some conversations that I had are worth posting about. But a little more detail on the weekend at a later time...

For now, I am going to shamelessly plug my friend Jeff's book. It's entitled So I Go ~ Following After the Jesus of Our Day, and it's available at Amazon as of May 15th. It's priced at $17.50 for the time being and I am sure will be well worth the every penny. He writes like I wish I could write - in smooth, poignant prose that curls around the threshold of the imagination. It's luminous! But see for yourself - go and get the book!


so i go said...

thank you, dear friend. coming across these words was the highlight of my day!!

Mark D said...

Looks like an awesome book! Great reviews, too! I have about 12 new books on the shelf that haven't been touched yet, but I saved the amazon link - hope to get to it soon.