30 July 2006

who i always wanted to be...

I have always wanted to be one of those people who:

  • could get away with wearing just about anything without feeling self-conscious.
  • could get away with having a short funky hairstyle or no hair at all and still look fabulous.
  • suddenly decided one day, after living their whole life in the same city, that they needed or wanted to move.
  • wakes up on any given day and says, "Hmm... I think I will buy an (insert spendy item here: ipod, a really good digital camera, a new tv, season tickets to something, etc...) today." And then go plunk down the cash and not have any qualms about it.
  • decides to travel the world and they just do it without thinking twice.
  • had the ability, both physical and financial, to take extended leave from work and do something for themselves like hike the entire Appalachian Trail or go on the Camino to Santiago Pilgrimage.
  • could write something that had the potential to change peoples' lives.
  • could eat anything they wanted to and not worry about figuring out how far they have to walk to burn that number of calories.
  • have people say of them, "She looks amazing for her age, doesn't she?" or something else like that.
  • is quirky in a completely interesting and intriguing sort of way.
  • has an amazing voice and sings like an angel.
  • can sit in the sun for any amount of time and not worry about looking like a lobster when they go inside.

But I love the me I have become more than the idea of even the possibility of becoming anyone of the above. I have become the best me I can be, the me that God created me to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

& thats the way I love you -
& I like you too

A beautiful sunset can not be kept
Sunrise on bicycles is a just a special ride
The scenery of Alaska is new at every turn
If you stay in one place
You will never know the beauty that waits around the corner
But I can treasure all of these just as I treasure you.