04 March 2006

fading into the future...

Do you know how sometimes in the movies, they will be shooting one scene and then it will fade into a similar scene in the future, with all the characters in the same positions, signifying the passing of time? Well, my life kinda feels like that right now. Seems like I just came back from Christmas break and as of yesterday, Spring Break has officialy started. It came so fast, I can't believe it. This last week was the most stressed I had been all year. I had about 20 things due this week, no jokes, and it was mid-terms on top of it. I was kinda grumpy and depressed by the end of the week hence the writing of Lay My Melancholy Down in my previous post.

This next week is going to be crazy busy too. I am staying on campus and those that are staying are working with the Arctic Winter Games here in town. It's like a just slightly smaller-scale Olympics. Basically youth up to age 18 from several countries all over the Arctic Circle are descending on the Kenai Peninsula yesterday and today to participate in the Games. We'll have dignitaries from all over, Homeland Security, foreign officials, and 747s at our little-bitty local airport. We get to help make sure the participants feel welcome by playing games with them and talking to them, etc... We're putting on a worship service for them tomorrow morning and we're helping them celebrate birthdays if they have one while they're away from home. I always wanted to be able to say, "I have credentials," like you see in the movies and now I can say that. I'll get to see gymnastics, figure skating, hockey, speed skating, indoor soccer, and soooo many more. Opening ceremonies are tomorrow night and that will be really fun to go see: the lighting of the torch, the native dancing, all the teams, etc... I wasn't as excited yesterday as I am today because I was so stressed but today I am. And they (the AWG officials) gave us all really super nice vest, jackets, and gloves with the AWG 2006 logo on them. The vests are reversible: black fleece on one side and blue-ish waterproof on the other side, black on the sides with VOLUNTEERS in white lettering down the right side. The jackets are nice too, like the outer shell of a Columbia coat, the same color blue and the logo. I have to admit I was impressed with what they gave us. I really wasn't expecting them to be anywhere near as nice as they are. Woo-hoo! I love free stuff!

Another thing I am thankful for: I was walking back to the dorm last night at around 7:30 or 8 and it was still kinda light outside. Amen! The days are getting longer and a little warmer. After Spring Break, there's 8 weeks before I graduate. It's gone by so fast and as I think about saying, "Goodbye" at the end of the year, it makes me sad.

Hopefully I will be able to post more often this week since I won't be in class. And I will try to take some pics of the games and post them too. Love you all!

1 comment:

so i go said...

wow.. what a year so far, huh?
i bet you were a great greeter at the games.
i'll be praying for a strong finish to your year and some rest during your break.