25 July 2005

be my... gatorade?

why? why do you do that? why do you look at me like that, like we're the only two people on earth? why do you let your hand linger just a little too long when we're high-fiving? or when you greet me why do you let our embraces last just a little longer than you do with others? why are you always asking me if i have any plans? if you're scared, you should know that i am too; but all of love is risk. i want to be able to call you in the middle of the night when i have had a bad dream and have your voice be my comfort. i want to be able to reach out for your hand and hold to it tightly like a lifeline. i want to go to church with you and sit within the circle of your arm around my shoulders while we worship together. i want the halo of your smile to hang over me and for the midnight of your eyes to be my lake that i swim in. i want the shadow of your love to be my reprieve when the sun's heat is too intense. when it's cold, i want the fire in your heart to be my warmth. i want your laughter to be the music to which I dance. and when i am thirsty, i want your kisses to be a bottomless drink of cold water. no, gatorade! gatorade always does more for me, hydrates me more than water, always makes me feel better regardless of how i felt beforehand. i want you to be my gatorade. refreshing. cool. quenching. i wish you would just talk to me, tell me what you're feeling if anything. and if you're not feeling anything then don't do those things anymore. just ask me out already if that's what you want. i have been waiting for 10 months thinking you would do it. then when you don't, i always think it will be the next time i see you. i want you to know that i would say, "yes" if you did.


christina joy said...


You are correct. It's not abstract. There is a "you" as you said. It all just gets confusing when it comes to matters of the heart. We have been emailing for almost 10 months now and I feel like they've gotten increasingly more "personal." I try not to read into things but it's hard when there's so many "signs" there, ya know? I guess that's what you could pray for: that he would either do something (move forward) or do nothing (back off) and make it obvious to me what his intentions are, or if he even has any or if he's just "like that." Other than praying, I don't know what you'd be able to do. I appreciate the offer though and will let you know if I think of something.

Stephen said...

gatorade? that's such a good analogy… and is it like we are coming out of each others pores after a while.

so i go said...

i'm lovin' this post. hope he reads it.. or if not, hopefully signals and intentions become more clear. it's a bit like an awkward dance, isn't it?