04 May 2006

need prayer...

I need prayer this weekend. Starting tonight I am babysitting 3 kids through Monday night, by myself. One of them is really cool and the girl I can handle pretty well. But the three of them together is going to be a handful to say the least. I suppose this will be great practice for when I have kids of my own, getting them ready for school, taking them to church, putting them to bed, etc... I am a little scared. Just pray for me. PLEASE!

Oh... And I think I broke my right big toe. I dropped a 15kg weight on it today. It's purty swollen. Black and blue. And red too. Yeah, it felt good.


michelle said...

ice it and buddy tape it to the toe next to it...that is about it that you can do for it if it is broken...sorry! as for the kids if they are young enough read to em...especially something like rahl dahl or board games...either one takes a while and most kids will get really into em...especially since most dont get to do either much anymore...its all tv (which is always and the easiest last resort). :)

michelle said...

hope you survived! and i hope that your toe is ok. :)